As we prepare for the additional demands that the COVID-19 outbreak will place on our hospital system, our operational leaders need up-to-date projections of what additional resources will be required. Informed estimates of how many patients will need hospitalization, ICU beds, and mechanical ventilation over the coming days and weeks will be crucial inputs to readiness responses and mitigation strategies. To this end, the Predictive Healthcare team at Penn Medicine has developed a tool that...
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Everyone wants quality data. Healthcare is no different. However, over time our team has come to notice that there are some ways in which data may be considered no bueno that feel particular (at least in part) to the healthcare setting. In healthcare, clinicians need to make complex decisions based on a vast array of data from multiple sources. Thankfully for patients, clinicians are perennially skeptical when it comes to the quality of every data...
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The goal of data science in health care is to build systems which make use of data to help patients and physicians make the best possible decisions about their health. One way that we have approached this challenge at Penn Medicine Predictive Healthcare is to employ machine learning to predict which patients are at elevated risk of adverse events (for example sepsis, readmissions) at any given moment. The resulting algorithms, built on a large collection...
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Here at Penn Medicine, we’re developing uses of AI and machine learning to help improve medical decision making. As the electronic medical record (EMR) has matured, and its adoption becomes widespread, there has been an increasing amount of data available to work with toward this end. However, this data comes with several unique challenges – many of which we have encountered firsthand, and others that we expect to face soon. Some aspects of these are...
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In 2014, we started our work at Penn Medicine with one simple goal: to make our patients’ lives better, and to create a more efficient health system. Three years later, Penn is now benefitting from predictive health care, with measurable results and lives saved. State-of-the-art applications have been deployed (some running in real-time), and clinical workflows have been updated to the benefit of all involved. Penn’s success has depended, in large part, on a deep...
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